“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears” - Rumi

Our Services

First of all, we’ll be right up front and tell you that we skip the “fluff” - if something isn't based in solid science and results-oriented recovery modalities we don't do it.   

We are patient, kind, good listeners and very well-rounded in what we bring to the work.  So this list of services is an indication of what we’ll do with you and for you…but our promise is that we will bring our energy and creativity to this process and discover together what works well for your path.

Examples of Our Services

Interventions - If you are considering an intervention for a loved one, let EWRC handle everything - we will manage the process from working with the family to transporting the individual to treatment

Travel - Pick you up from treatment, go to events with you - anywhere, anytime

Family (this could be a page on its own!) Yes, we will deal with/involve family as you see fit

Triggers - Identify them with you and address them together

Co-create a wellness and relapse prevention plan

Help you create your own vision/“mission statement” for your life

Coordinate recovery-related supporting services

Ongoing case management if desired - in person or remote

Mentorship - do you want to “recreate” yourself in some way?

Provide home-based “retreats” —especially helpful before holidays, family visits or outside events

Crisis management and treatment placement in the event of a relapse

Tools You will end up with a host of practical tools which we will practice and you can use to keep you sane and sober.