“You do not find the happy life. You make it.” - C.E. Kimball


Do you perform interventions?

Absolutely - we handle everything from beginning to end compassionately and professionally

Do you take insurance? 
No, we are private pay only, however we will provide a statement of services to submit to your own insurance

How long do you typically work with clients?
From as little as 2 or 3 days of intensive up to 90 days

Will we have a contract for services? 

What forms of payment do you prefer? 
Venmo, check or cash

Will you travel?
Absolutely! We will travel anywhere in the US or Canada and work remotely if that best suits you

Are 12-Step meetings a requirement to work with EWRC?
No, we are advocates of all recovery-based programs and have seen success within all modalities

Are you paid a referral fee from any treatment centers?
No, we believe this is unethical and will remain completely independent to work in the best interest of our clients

Who are your typical clients?
We work with everyone but rarely with the adolescent population

How do I begin working with EWRC?
We make this easy—Give us a call and we’ll walk you through it

Do you use Sober-Link?
Yes, if desired by the client

Have more questions?